HOW TO SLEEP BETTER - Click Here To Access This FREE Mini-Course!
Find out how to protect your brain during perimenopause+ so you can be sharp and stay sharp... for life.
Discover the simple yet powerful framework that makes lasting weight loss easy and inevitable.
Find out how to protect your brain during perimenopause+ so you can be sharp and stay sharp... for life.
When it comes to Alzheimer's, you might be thinking...
Your genes are destiny.
But it turns out lifestyle is actually the biggest determinant of the outcome.
In other words, while having a poor diet is one of the known risk factors, incorporating brain-healthy foods like those in the MIND Diet can protect your brain.
So if you're ready to start building some new habits to optimize your brain health, this book will show you how to make it a reality.
Thoughts Are Habits Too will walk you through the process of turning your healthy choices into lifelong habits.
When it comes to Alzheimer's, you might be thinking...
Your genes are destiny.
But it turns out lifestyle is actually the biggest determinant of the outcome.
In other words, while having a poor diet is one of the known risk factors, incorporating brain-healthy foods like those in the MIND Diet can protect your brain.
So if you're ready to start building some new habits to optimize your brain health, this book will show you how to make it a reality.
Thoughts Are Habits Too will walk you through the process of turning your healthy choices into lifelong habits.
Imagine looking forward to having your picture taken, loving the way your clothes fit, being able to savor every bite of food without an ounce of guilt, and showing up as your best self for those in your life who truly matter.
You'll go from being “stuck” on the weight loss roller coaster to finally reaching your healthiest weight — even if you struggle with cravings or think exercise is torture.
More importantly, you'll be able to heal your relationship with food, restore your metabolic health, build a solid foundation of self-worth, and have what you need to create the life you want.
I’m a former high tech professional, author, master health coach, certified personal trainer and the host of the Happy & Healthy podcast. Welcome to my virtual training center!
Also known as the Habit Whisperer, I'll help you turn your hard-earned healthy choices into lifelong habits so you can be healthier, happier, and most importantly, create the life you want.
When I'm not coaching, I enjoy traveling, playing tennis, eating roast crab, and spending time with my partner, Matt, and my Bernedoodle, Moxie!
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Episode 132- Title Here
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Episode 143- Title Here
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Episode 186: Interoception - Using The Hunger Scale
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In this course, you will learn:
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Inside this training, you will discover:
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Inside, we'll show you:
Get the strategies, practices, and self-care framework I use with my private clients so you, too, can master your triggers, free yourself from diet culture, rediscover joyful eating, and lose weight for the last time.
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